MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 Exam Dumps

MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1

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MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 Sample Questions

Question # 1

An organization has created an API-led architecture that uses various API layers to integrate mobile clients with a backend system. The backend system consists of a number of specialized components and can be accessed via a REST API. The process and experience APIs share the same bounded-context model that is different from the backend data model. What additional canonical models, bounded-context models, or anti-corruption layers are best added to this architecture to help process data consumed from the backend system?

A. Create a bounded-context model for every layer and overlap them when the boundary contexts overlap, letting API developers know about the differences between upstream anddownstream data models 
B. Create a canonical model that combines the backend and API-led models to simplify and unify data models, and minimize data transformations. 
C. Create a bounded-context model for the system layer to closely match the backend data model, and add an anti-corruption layer to let the different bounded contexts cooperateacross the system and process layers 
D. Create an anti-corruption layer for every API to perform transformation for every data model to match each other, and let data simply travel between APIs to avoid the complexityand overhead of building canonical models 

Question # 2

When designing an upstream API and its implementation, the development team has been advised to NOT set timeouts when invoking a downstream API, because that downstreamAPI has no SLA that can be relied upon. This is the only downstream API dependency of that upstream API. Assume the downstream API runs uninterrupted without crashing. What is the impact of this advice?

A. An SLA for the upstream API CANNOT be provided 
B. The invocation of the downstream API will run to completion without timing out 
C. A default timeout of 500 ms will automatically be applied by the Mule runtime in which the upstream API implementation executes 
D. A toad-dependent timeout of less than 1000 ms will be applied by the Mule runtime in which the downstream API implementation executes 

Question # 3

An organization wants to make sure only known partners can invoke the organization's APIs. To achieve this security goal, the organization wants to enforce a Client ID Enforcement policy in API Manager so that only registered partner applications can invoke the organization's APIs. In what type of API implementation does MuleSoft recommend adding an API proxy to enforce the Client ID Enforcement policy, rather than embedding the policy directly in the application's JVM?

A. A Mule 3 application using APIkit 
B. A Mule 3 or Mule 4 application modified with custom Java code 
C. A Mule 4 application with an API specification 
D. A Non-Mule application 

Question # 4

What are the major benefits of MuleSoft proposed IT Operating Model?

A.1. Decrease the IT delivery gap 2. Meet various business demands without increasing the IT capacity 3. Focus on creation of reusable assets first. Upon finishing creation of all the possibleassets then inform the LOBs in the organization to start using them 
B. 1. Decrease the IT delivery gap 2. Meet various business demands by increasing the IT capacity and forming various IT departments 3. Make consumption of assets at the rate of production 
C. 1. Decrease the IT delivery gap 2. Meet various business demands without increasing the IT capacity 3. Make consumption of assets at the rate of production 

Question # 5

Which of the following sequence is correct?

A. API Client implementes logic to call an API >> API Consumer requests access to API >> API Implementation routes the request to >> API 
B. API Consumer requests access to API >> API Client implementes logic to call an API >> API routes the request to >> API Implementation 
C. API Consumer implementes logic to call an API >> API Client requests access to API >> API Implementation routes the request to >> API 
D. API Client implementes logic to call an API >> API Consumer requests access to API >> API routes the request to >> API Implementation 


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